Thursday, February 12, 2009

So Sad

I've spent the better part of the afternoon and evening on the brink of tears. I don't feel like sharing about the cause right now. But I will post a poem that I wrote about it this afternoon.


I stare at the same moon.
Yet you are so far away.
Our hearts used to be so close,
But now we are nothing.
The dreams have wasted away
Till they're nothing but a sad memory.
I want to hold on to you,
But you fly further away everyday.
Trying to keep you that near to my heart,
It's tearing me apart.
And so goodbye, my love,
Till the day the Lord may destine us together.

As of right now, this is not my course of action, rather the one I probably should be taking. Maybe someday I'll learn to follow my own advice to myself in this subject area.


beth ewing said...

i'm sorry girl for whatever or whomever is causing you this pain.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Megan for your pain. I hope it gives you some comfort knowing that at the right time, God will send the right man. I don't believe this young man is ready for a serious, long-term relationship. He's just too young, and too selfish. You deserve a man of integrity who loves the Lord with all his heart and mind, so that he can fully love and cherish you, as you deserve.