Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm Sorry....What is the Name of This Game We Are Playing?

So time for a slightly thoughtful post...

I've been thinking about this game that for many is a constant emotional rollercoaster. Now I can't say how this goes for adults cuz I do not have that experience. But it seems to me that for young people we are losing sight of what is really important in a relationship. I hear constantly from people around me what attracts them to member of the opposite gender. I think we have distorted what love is and have commercialized it.
Girls now feel the need to go tanning, wear the latest fashions, be super slim, have plastic surgery, and countless other things all so they can look better for whoever it is that they are trying to impress. From lack of experience I don't know as many things on the guy's part. But guys pay for a gym membership (okay so that's probably not the only reason) and worry about how nice their cars are (again probably not the only reason). But still we have taken love and made it fit the the commercialized beat of America. Is there nothing that can be done without the commercialization? Love isn't about whether your body is the perfect hue of golden brown, or whether you paid $100 for your outfit or $30000 dollars for your car. We do this all so that maybe one person will glance over at you and then stop to take a second look. We have changed our view of love to where it relates to the outside of a person instead of looking at the inside of a person. Many times now we say love when we mean infatuated or attracted. They mean completely different things. Don't "fall in love" just because the guy across the room locked eyes with you, and then came over and started flirting with you. Fall in love with someone because of their character. Until that happens, your relationships will be empty and eventually will become meaningless.
Maybe I'm wrong. But that's my opinion. Too many relationships now are just a game. A game of trying to keep up an image instead of letting the other person get to know the real you.

1 comment:

beth ewing said...

so very true. and most adults haven't gotten it either girl...that's why the divorce rate is 50%. someday those things will fade (beauty, figure, whatever) and when they do, what are you left with?