Monday, September 21, 2009

Sept. 11 Memories.

Ok. I actually wrote this on Sept. 11. (in Governemnt class....shhhh....) but i did not get around to posting it until now. Not that it matters. It never hurts to remember the bravery of the individuals of that day.

Where Were You:
Almost every American remembers where they were when they heard the news that flashed across the TVs in American homes. These hijackings set in motion an intensity of emotion that some citizens were unaware could arise. First came a feeling of shock How could someone manage to execute this plan in America? Before this time, Americans had a false sense of security. We are supposedly one of the strongest nations in the world. Who would dare to mess with us?
I think the next feeling was fear. Who was attacking us? If they dared to attack us where did they come from and what else was planned? Are my loved ones ok? Will they be able to rescue any survivors? We all thought of the people we knew that lived in New York or in Washington D.C and wondered how it affected them.
Another feeling was rage. Anger for putting our security and liberty in jeopardy. Angry that someone would dare to take the lives of so many people for the sake of the terrorist's jihad.
But through this mess of emotion one feeling should have and did stand out: patriotism. United by the feelings of shock, fear, and anger, Americans came together. One feeling possibly not thought of when the Taliban leaders were planning these attacks. A necessity for justice overwhelmed Americans as well as grief for those who were lost that day. These
However, I believe that as Americans moved farther away from this day, they forgot the feelings they had. We complain because of the strict airport travel regulations. We are pulling troops from Iraq and possibly Afghanistan. Before we do this, I think we should really stop and examine and make sure that we have finished what we set out to accomplish there. I realize that Iraq may or may not have had much to do with the Sept 11 events, but we still are fighting a war there and are trying to stabilize their economy to prevent future damage. Should we really pull out?
September 11, 2001 is a day that should never be forgotten. If we do, it will be that easy for an event like September 11 to happen again. As Americans we must remember the feeling of patriotism that we felt eight years ago. We should stop letting our political differences damage the friendships and feeling of unity that we could have. We must never forget September 11.

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