Monday, November 23, 2009


Not every curveball is a bad thing. Sometimes it can be just the moment you needed to turn your life around. In fact, I'm wondering if they are really curveballs at all. Maybe they are just the circumstances in life that are headed to where you are supposed to be in life until they curve just to hit you on the head to kinda show you how far from where you are supposed to be you really are. Did that make any sense at all? I don't know. But anyways, curveballs seem to be able to take a variety of forms. Mine came in the form of a person, Ryan Adamson.
We've only been dating two weeks now, but they have been some of the best weeks of my life. They have changed how I view school, how homesick I am, and many other things. I look forward to everyday now even if there is homework or tests looming before me on that day.
I met Ryan through a mutual friend. She set us up on a date . I don't think either of us exactly expected things to work out, but were excited about giving it a shot. Things did work out, and a little over a week later we were dating. Things have been seriously amazing.
On another note, Thanksgiving has its pros and cons this year. I am spending it in Big Spring with my grandparents and my family is coming down. I am so excited to see them since I have not since September, but I will have to go almost 4 days without seeing Ryan. Hopefully that phrase "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" proves to be true in this situation. But regardless, it will be a wonderful time.
Finals start the 6th and I will finish the 10th. Hard to believe another semester is coming to a close.

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